Short-Term Bobcat Maintenance (10-Hours)

Your equipment needs a few checks and a little care after each 10 hours of up-time. Below is the official Bobcat checklist of things you should do every 10 hours when using your machine. For a checklist of what to do in the long term to keep your machine healthy, check out our maintenance guides for Bobcat equipment below!
Every 10 hours before starting your machine
- Engine Oil - Check your levels and top up if needed.
- Engine air filters & air systems - Check the display panel, ensure no leaks and damaged components. Service the equipment if required.
- Engine cooling system - Clean any debris from radiators, fuel cooler, hydraulic fluid cooler, air conditioning condenser, and grille. Check coolant level & add any premixed coolant if needed.
- Fuel Filter - Check your display panel & remove any trapped water if necessary.
- Lift arms, links, cylinders, Bob-tach, pivot pins, wedges - Lubricate with multi-purpose lithium based grease.
- Seat belt, belt retractors, seat bar, control interlocks - Check conditions. Clean & replace seat belt retractors, seat bar and control interlocks if needed.
- Bobcat interlock control systems (BICS) - Check for correct function.
- Front horn/Back-up alarm - Check for correct function.
- Tires - Ensure no damage and correct air pressure is inflated based on pressure shown on tire sidewall.
- Operator cab - Check fastening bolts, washers & nuts as well as the overall cab conditions.
- Indicators & lights - Check for correct operation of all indicators & lights.
- Wheel nuts - Check loose nuts and tighten to correct torque (do this every 10 hours for the first 30 hours, then as scheduled).
- Safety signs & safety treads - Check for any wear or damage and replace any as required.
- Hydraulic fluid - Check fluids and add as required.
- Heater & air conditioner filters - Clean or replace if equipped.
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