Online Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Courses

TDG Online Training
Transporting dangerous goods including clinical samples, animal tissues, cell lines, viruses, radioactive materials or devices, hazardous chemicals, fuels, lithium ion batteries, or compressed gases may pose a significant health hazard to the transporter. Training is needed if you ship, transport, or receive goods that meets the definition for a dangerous good as defined in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Act and Regulations.
Williams Machinery offers multiple online courses related to TDG to ensure safety of everyone involved in handling of dangerous goods. Participants will learn about regulations as well as various aspects and requirements of safe and responsible dangerous good transportation, including proper handling, packaging, labelling, placarding, documentation, and incident reporting procedures. You can choose a course that helps you meet your legal compliance requirements while learning about the best practices.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG)
This online Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) course covers crucial information pertaining to the legal transportation of dangerous goods on Canadian roads. After completing this course, participants should know the regulations governing the transportation of dangerous goods in Canada; and the 9 classifications of dangerous goods; the placards, labels, and accompanying TDG symbols required on vehicles and containers;.

TDG - Transportation of Dangerous Goods: Canada
This course has been designed to educate learners on the Canadian TDG Act and its associated regulations in order to help them transport dangerous goods safely and properly. Throughout this course, participants will learn about their roles and responsibilities under this Act, relevant parts of the legislation, and the various aspects and requirements of safe and responsible dangerous good transportation

Transportation of Dangerous Goods – (TDG Online)
This course is intended for shippers, carriers, receivers, and anyone else involved with the movement of dangerous goods, as they are required to be trained, educated, and have a sound knowledge of all aspects that relate directly to their job and the dangerous goods, whether they will handle, offer for transport, or transport.

TDG - Transportation of Dangerous Goods: Canada/US
Throughout this course, participants will learn about their roles and responsibilities under the Canadian TDG Act, relevant parts of the legislation, and the various aspects of safe dangerous good transportation, including but not limited to proper handling, packaging, labelling, placarding, documentation, and incident reporting procedures. This course also contains information on international transportation of dangerous goods between Canada and the United States.